DH and I still find ourselves on different pages of life. He even thinks that we are *doing much better now* than before, and I just look at him like, *who are you and why are you in my kitchen.*

I am not sure what it is, really. I suppose it's mostly my problem, and just something that I need to work through. He came home yesterday excited about a fellowship opportunity, excited about his work, excited about a research project he's gotten himself into. He was *energized* from his job, meanwhile I'm exhausted. Just exhausted. There's nothing energizing about cooking/cleaning/laundry/bills, then cooking/cleaning/laundry/bills, etc., etc., etc. Throw in the extra driving for Kate and her musical, along with soccer, swimming, preschool, parents visiting next week... I don't find myself energized, ever...

But I have put my foot down on one thing. I am going to the gym 2 times a week. Since Josie, sweet thing, will not stay in the childcare room, DH has to be home for me to go. He gets to feel the love of the afternoon/dinner rush. I go in on the weekend one day, and during the week on another day. I was supposed to go in yesterday, but DH just got so excited talking to his mentor about his career... So, I'm going today, thank you ver much, and DH gets to take all the kids AND the baby to swimming, and maybe on to pick Kate up at her musical. So there...

Kate broke up with yet another boyfriend the other day. This one was a real winner. He apparently wrote in the comment section of a mutual friend's myspace that Kate was *ugly* and that he was going to dump her because next year he'll be in high school and he wants to *do* high school girls instead of little middle schoolers. Niiiice. What a gem. I had to explain to Kate that there's really only 1 meaning for *do* when used in that context. She thought it meant *go out with* but I'm afraid there's just not a whole lot of wriggle room on this one. I hope she just stays single for a while. I'm looking forward to the swim season because her summer swim team boyfriend (yes, she has one of these) is a super timid, shy, and quiet Asian guy... We know him, and we trust him...

Yay summer boyfriend time!

The other kids are doing well. Isabel is so funny- she is making it her mission to be *perfect*. When we go somewhere and the boys start running off causing trouble, she stays right by us. When I yell at them to come back and walk with us, on threat of loss of Wii time which seems to be the ONLY thing that motivates them, Isabel says, "Am I walking the right way?" Sweet sweet sweet. Didn't you have a sibling like that when you were a kid- and you just wanted to smack her! It's such a kick. Steven is trying to think of ways to get her to misbehave to lose some Wii minutes. Luke and Steven have lost 5 minutes each so far this week...

Josie is doing well, but sort of in between in nap world. She's probably going to be ready to transition to 1 nap a day in a month or so. Already it's a struggle to get her down for the 2-- since she often wakes up from her semi-sleep stage after I rock her for about 10 minutes. She has enough energy left at that time to make herself all the way awake, which means when I put her down she starts crying... She doesn't ever CIO in the daytime-- just at night, so I usually let her cry for about 10 minutes, and then try the whole thing again... Sigh. Sleep issues.

That's about it from here. We're in the midst of soccer now. It's going ok, just ok.