Wow...another night of sleeping! I actually woke up on my own this morning at 6am and ended up going for a 45 minute walk. I have decided to try some things to get myself into shape both physically and emotionally. I have really let myself go!

I gained a significant amount of weight with baby #1 (who is now 10 1/2) [Guilty] and always thought that I would lose the weight. Instead...I am heavier now than after my pregnancy with baby #4. [no] I have a substantial amount of weight to lose....Lately, when I get out of bed, my feet are sore...and my knees have started making clicking sounds when I walk up the stairs. This really bothers me. I used to be in great shape and really take good care of myself.

I've tried every diet imaginable and though I had great luck last year with Atkins (I lost 30 pounds) I managed to gain a little more than 1/2 of it back because I just can't stick to the low-carb lifestyle. I ended up buying tons of low carb bake mixes, etc...and they all just are sitting in my cupboards. The issue for me is portion control and not binging when I'm feeling frustrated etc.

Instead of jumping on another diet bandwagon, I've decided to eat whatever I want...just in moderation. This won't be easy because I've gotten used to the super-size lifestyle, but I'm committed to at least trying. I think in general that becoming more active and trying to lose a little weight will make me feel better about myself.

I'm also contemplating my choices for the Fall...I am supposed to be working on developing a german language program for children for this area...and am considering turing the reigns over to someone else....I feel like I always have too much on my plate. I'd like to be able to focus on myself and my family without always feeling the need to achieve and do....

We had a really great weekend here. My oldest was at boyscout camp and he had a really good time...and the other kids played so nicely together while he was gone and then were so happy to see him. Hubby and I set up the badmitton net in the backyard and played like crazy all weekend....It was just...nice.
