It's been ages since I posted. Things have been busy, and really..this entire summer has truly just been so "up and down" for me. It's been the most difficult summer I've had since having children, to be honest .

Typical Day for me right now:

1. Get up at 7.20am when the doorbell rings and the neighbor's daughter gets here for free childcare [Mad] Fortunately, this little girl is going to stay with her Dad on Wed. night, so tomorrow is the last day.

2. 9.00am Get daughter to Dance Class

3. 10.30am take son to theater class and come home

4. noon...lunch time and the neighborhood shows up...usually that means that I have my 4, plus the child who is here every flippin' day, plus 4-6 other children.

I try desperately all afternoon to keep the neighborhood kids out of my house with limited success....They all jump in the pool and sneak in to use the bathroom, etc, dripping water everywhere. It's a freakin' mad house and I usually end up melting down and shrieking at everyone. Shocked

The other day, I had my 4, plus the girl, plus 5 others...It started raining so they came in and I let them all watch a movie down in the playroom to dry off. They couldn't go all the way home in the rain and coincidentally (NOT) moms weren't home to be able to pick them up. What the HELL is wrong with parents anyway? Holy God...if you are going to work, shop or whatever, hire a freakin' babysitter. I don't want your damned kids! Right now, I don't even want mine!
[Eek!] [Tired] [ouch]
So anyway, I finally ended up LOCKING my door so that no kids including my own could get into the house. The result? They rang the doorbell all afternoon: "I skinned my knee, I need water, waaah....he hit me, Can we get our Barbie..."

Need I go ON???

I'm tired, and I often feel like NO ONE understands. I love my children dearly, but right now I need a break.

Is this why I am a that my kids can have their friends come over? So that the collective bunch can destroy my carpets, eat my food and mess up the whole house? Why am I making this sacrifice? They don't care. Some days, I think the kids would be just as happy at KidsStop.

I guess...I'm just worn out. I need a vacation.
