Aidan is still asking himself "who is this baby and why did mom set up a crib for her in her room?...I wonder what will happen if I poke her eyes?"

Zoe is already busy defending herself...."Don't you poke MY face, buddy" (just check out her tongue!)

Little Miss Zoe relaxing in her little "baby Zoe" onesie from the store whose name dare not be spoken.

Amanda turned 10 on May 2nd and we had a birthday party for her a week later....this is her singing happy birthday to herself! She's quite the ham! She also just got her first medium sized role in the play Alice in Wonderland. She wants to be a famous actress. Judging from her drama queen behavior this year, I'd say she's going to be very successful!!

Amanda's birthday...we celebrated as a family at Space Aliens. Notice Alex's super frown. I can't get a good picture of him lately....He's just been so down and grouchy.

Alex playing a game for tokens at Space Aliens. I'm going to have to get some more good pics of him and post them.


Andrew after his Math Masters competition.

Funny Math Masters story....I was excited that he was chosen for math masters this year but haven't thought much about the competition though, the parents were all super-competitive. My mom and I were laughing that this competition wasn't a Harvard admissions test or something and kind of rolled our eyes at the other parents and how truly seriously they were taking this. They were talking about study books, etc and I just laughed. Come ON,'s 5th GRADE math masters.

Then they had the awards ceremony. Andrew didn't place..and I turned to my mom and said..."Where can I get that study book...we are soooo working on this this summer!" Ahhhh....mommy competitiveness!