The long and short of it?

No one is ever invited to visit us least not for a loooong time.

This visit has been a disaster. The one with my mil? disaster. I will accept that the common denominater is me and that I just don't "do people" anymore.

Last year, Darren and Fionnuala came to visit....It had been a couple of years since I had seen Fionnuala and it was nice to have her come back. They were only able to get a flight at the same time as we had already booked a family vacation to Jellystone. We were able to upgrade our accomodations to a Villa ....and....we had to pay for the entire trip.

This time, they booked their flight without consulting me. It wasn't an intentional slight at all...they just had a great time and wanted to come back...they found a good ticket for around the same time and assumed it would be ok...and then...sent me a surprise confirmation email.

Honestly, it would be fine if they didn't expect me to be the entertaining service. I have tried to be diplomatic about explaining that I have 5 children and they are all starting school and that I am unable to change our schedule. I have cried because I'm too overwhelmed and in trying to take care of their needs, I missed Alex's school open house and once again, my *middle child* got the shaft and was forgotten. He is the only child out of all 4 starting school who didn't get an extensive meet the teacher, visit the school, etc. No one gets it.

I have encouraged them to go out on their own to see what they want to see...but....they have been a bit hesitant (and Darren has seemed downright resentful) about doing it.

The kids haven't gone to Kung Fu since they arrived, and Darren and Fionnuala had planned a trip to an away resort for what I thought was that night. I said that I was taking the kids and that I'd be back in an hour for us to discuss the plans....and Darren took a fit and got so angry that he ended up leaving....without telling anyone where he was going .... for 2 hours.


I came home and they still hadn't decided what they were took their kids and Aidan and Zoe and played outside with them for an hour while they fought....and it turned out that they weren't going to the resort until...tonight.....

Since I knew that he was sooo upset, I suggested that we all go to the local public splash pool that is always open through labor day. We got the kids all dressed in their suits and headed was closed.

I got home and just melted down. I'll spare you the details of what I said to them, but I basically used a few profanities and blamed Thomas since HE gets to work all weekend as usual...I hate it that he always has such a fabulous excuse for not having to be a host ...and pretty much was a total jerk.....but I just couldn't take it anymore....

I offered to take them to Quarry Park, a local walking park where the scenerey is great and we enjoy walks often. I spent $8 on parking for us only to have Darren announce that he was getting bitten by mosquitos and wanted to go home....immediately.

So...the guy that drives 25-30 mph intentionally in a 40 mph zone took off with the buggy and ran ahead of Fionnuala and I for the entire trip through the woods.

They left for a night at a hotel tonight, but this all has me thinking.

I hate people.

I feel very crabby right now.

I think it is unacceptable that I am expected to play the entertainment committee here and I'm ticked off. If I went to visit someone in Germany, I would

1. Not stay 2 weeks
2. Would help out as much as possible around the house
3. Would not expect them to take me out anywhere
Seriously...the kids would be happier NOT being dragged all over creation. They'd have a great time playing in the backyard and riding bikes with each other and we could just relax and talk. What is wrong with that idea? :huh: If you want roller coaster rides, book a trip to Disney, not Central MN.

Please...I'm begging you....for your sake...don't come visit me and spend more than 48 hours...or I'll start hating you.

Thomas has been crabby because he also has had to work all week and I've been on him like a fly on poop whenever he is home. This whole hostess stinks.

At the beginning of the week, I was thinking about how I would really like to open a Bed and Breakfast. I love preparing big morning meals...bacon, eggs, pancakes, coffee etc and serving people. I really do. It brings me a weird joyful feeling.


None of my guests eat anything but toast with butter for breakfast.

I have decided to just let my children be my B & B guests. They love eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, cinnamon rolls, etc...and are thankful for it when I make it .

No. More. Guests.
