
My stomach felt much better yesterday during the day. I managed to eat toast for breakfast and a lean cuisine meal for a late lunch. DH gave me a couple of chocolate truffles and those seemed to go down just fine too As evening approached, my tummy was starting to feel sore again. I talked to Kelly on the phone and then headed out the door with Thomas.

We were going to Mongo's Grill, but by the time that we got there I realized that I felt so ill that I couldn't eat. (You know I am really ill if I can't eat :> ) He didn't want to eat alone, so we actually just decided to go back home so that I could go to bed. I was really disappointed, but I was feeling so miserable that I thought it was the best thing too.

Instead of going home, we ended up going to the ER. My abdominal pain had spread to my right side, I was terribly nauseated and the pain radiated through my back. I was practically in tears. (I have no appendix, btw) I also developed a terrible throbbing headache.

We had to wait forever in the ER and then finally were taken back. My blood pressure was a whopping 170/80 which is very high for me. I'm usually about 110/80 or so.....

The doc assumed that it was either my stomach or my gall bladder after examining me. When the doctor suggested that the gall bladder would be most likely I joked:
"yah, I know...fair, female, fat, fourty, fertile. That's me."
He balked "are you a doctor too?"
"No, I'm just a dawkter's wife." :>

The abdominal ultrasound was fine though (always eases my mind), my lipase checked out and....a chest x-ray was normal (yeah! That was sort of an added bonus!).

I was told that it could still be my gall bladder but that I wasn't "hot"...or that it was a stomach ulcer. I'm to follow up with my internist and was given prescriptions for a variety of stomach things (in case that is what it was) as well as pain medication.

Seriously...last night I felt like I was in labor it was so painful. That was basically the 4th night in a row of feeling so bad...and it was absolutely the worst I have felt....

I have lost 6.5 pounds as of this morning because of not being able to eat much and because I've felt so nauseated. I guess....that is the silver lining! Hey....whatever it takes to lose weight, huh?

So that's my story. I'm just left with a dull aching pain today...I don't think it's my stomach....because eating food doesn't make it better or least for hours. I think, honestly that this is payback for eating too much McDonalds. My truest confession here is that my way of dealing with stress (as is evidenced by my pictures of myself or my big ass if you have seen me in person) is a #8 value meal (Big 'N'Tasty) with cheese and of course a big french fries.....When I feel unhappy, stressed, sad...whatever....I get one. Lately, that's been an awful lot of times. :bummer: Maybe I'm wrong, but....I don't think I am.

I managed to eat some plain oatmeal this morning.....and a #8 value meal sounds awful.
