Well the 2nd interview is over. It was one of those behavioral interviews where they say "tell me about a time when you had to use your analytic abilities" blah blah blah. I think it went okay though - they're a good group of people, I think and they all seem very friendly. We'll see, I tried to make small talk with one of the girls because she is a Cornhusker and we had talked about that last time as well. I think it went okay, I guess we just wait and see. No other news to report - just plugging along at work, like usual. DH actually got home and we ate dinner at 6pm last night - that has to be some kind of record. Molly started her level II Agility classes last night and did extremely well for being the most inexperienced dog in the class. I'm hoping by next September she'll be ready to compete. She seems to enjoy it as much as I do.