Weekend Update!

Friday DH's co-workers were getting together for happy hour so we went and joined them. Fun until just as we were getting ready to leave one of his co-workers showed up with their two week old baby. Of course I HAD to hold him, BAD IDEA! Then everyone proceeded to say things like "he looks great in your arms", "you're next", "when are you guys having kids" etc. All I could do was smile, DH responded "it's in the 5 year plan" and tried to deflect the questions so that was nice.

This weekend was great. DH was off - woo hoo! He got home from rounding about 10am on Saturday and we started working on the bathroom floor immediately. We put the last tile down about 6pm so it was a long day but well worth it. Now we'll be able to grout tomorrow night, seal Thursday night and it will be ready for our guests that are coming on Friday - yay! DH's best friend and his wife are coming to visit, they haven't been up to see us since we moved here so that will be a lot of fun.

We got done with the tile just in time to watch the KU game. GREAT game, so disappointing to lose in OT. It would have been awesome if we'd been able to beat them two years in a row.

Yesterday was a beautiful day here - we had a late breakfast and then went to run errands. We've been needing some new rugs and were in bad need of a good grocery store run so three hours later we got home. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing, catching up on bank stuff and deciding to have a Halloween party. So now I need to get my act together and get invitations out. We're going to invite about 25 people + kids so we'll see how many we get. Of course DH and I have to decide what to be...

So I checked in with the other job boss last night by e-mail because she said I could. She responded that yes, they had hired the internal candidate and that didn't know what the timeline was on the other job, it could be a month, it could be 4-6 months so that sucks - I was under the impression this was something that would most likely happen before the end of the year. So I've renewed my search at the same employer, they're the only ones I would consider leaving this job for so we'll see.

Ok, back to work - luckily today has gone fast.