So I'm sitting here at work wondering - why am I here?

Honestly. Monday I actually worked about six hours. Yesterday and today I'll be surprised if I work 4 each. Seriously I have NOTHING to do. Holiday is planned, my budget is balanced, my sales reports are up to date. I just thought of something I can work on but that will take me a whole hour, maybe.

Friday I cleaned my office because I was bored. It look fabulous, I got rid of so much junk and clutter that several people commented on it. They always say the Marketing Manager has the messiest office, well not anymore.

DH and I finished the tiling last night - woo hoo! Now we just have to put baseboards back on and seal the last bathroom. Our friends will be here Friday around 9pm so we'll be putting the toilet back just a few hours before they arrive. It will work out perfectly and I'm SO glad we did it, the house looks so much better. Now we have to decide on the carpet - I'd really like to replace it and I'd like to do it relatively cheaply, something that will look nice for the next five years and will look nice when we sale it. Our neighbor has a carpet shampoo machine so I think I'll talk DH into going over and borrowing that tonight. I think we'll at least start with that and see what that looks like before we spend money on the carpet - but the carpet is 14 years old, it really needs to be replaced.

I'm excited for our friends' visit this weekend - they haven't been up to visit since we moved here. The husband is DH's best friend, they've known each other since they were 8. He and I are also good friends because we were in the same major and business fraternity in college so we have a lot in common. We e-mail each other a lot during the day at work. He and I actually dated before I dated DH. His wife is just a doll, she is a teacher and obviously makes him SO happy. She also went to KU so we may have to find time to watch the KU game at 11 on Saturday. Maybe we'll do lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the game. Then I have to think of other things for us to do...

Other than that not a lot going on in our household. Molly has week 4 of 8 for class tomorrow. The weather is cooling off. We had two days in the 80's, now we're supposed to have a few days in the 60's and then its supposed to be in the 70's this weekend.

So I suppose I should get back to doing what I'm paid to do - nothing!