Today is not a good day. The weekend was great - we had friends visiting and we enjoyed just hanging out with them. Then we spent the evening last night figuring out what we're going to do with DH's next weekend off. Its so crazy for him to have three off in a row but I think we've decided we're going to find a state park on a bluff and do some hiking next weekend. We'll be able to take Molly and hopefully it won't be too cold. Friday I got home to message from the other job. It was from HR, not the department so I should have known it wasn't anything special. Of course I told myself I wasn't going to get my hopes up but I did and then was crushed this morning when they called to tell me I didn't get it. I think I could have figured that out on my own since I hadn't heard from any for many weeks. Oh well. Then today my boss is being a B*T&H. She's just being rude and questioning everything I do. I hate feeling like I have no control over anything when I've been here for over two years. I SO need another job. ARGH!