Not much to update this week. DH goes back to work this weekend after having three off. Molly and I will just have to find ways to amuse ourselves in this lovely winter weather we're having. Hopefully we can at least get out of the house for a walk, its been awfully chilly the last few days. My one project this weekend will be to work on our Halloween costumes, I need to add the Thing 1 and Thing 2 tags and spray paint the wigs - we'll see how that goes! 8) DH's aunt, uncle and grandfather will be here next week so that his grandfather can have a procedure done at the clinic. It will be good to see them, we don't get to very often. I haven't felt like myself these last few days - while these new IF drugs are good because they seem to be working they're not making me feel all that great which doesn't give me positive feelings about morning sickness. I'm also not sure how many more of these cycles we can handle, they're so expensive. Hopefully this will be it, we'll see.