You guys always know - I'm always the positive one! I've decide why...because residency is a piece of cake compared to all of the other crap going on in my life!

Last week an employee of mine didn't show up for her Thursday AM shift after working Wednesday PM. She proceeded to send my boss an e-mail Wednesday PM (my boss was out, I didn't get to see the e-mail until this morning) which stated that she quit and then proceeded to list all of these things that were MY fault as to why - my favorite? I have the personality of a bed pan! WTF?!?!

Now she was a piece of work and I was in the process of firing her anyway, so its no skin off of my back but she said some pretty mean things in this e-mail. My boss tells me not to worry about them and to consider it an issue that resolved itself but I've never been like that. I've always been concerned with what people thought of me and it hurts. It has ruined my whole day - I can't concentrate, I can't stay on task, it just sucks!

On a good note I get to have dinner with my grandfather-in-law and my DH's aunt and uncle who are in town. This is my MIL's brother and wife and we love them! He is also a Dr., she threw me my shower when we got married, and they're just great people so at least I have that to look foward to.

Other than that - my mantra for the day is PEOPLE SUCK!