So I got an e-mail from my parents Tuesday night to tell us about some new property they bought that is right across the road from where they live. There is a pond there and dad plans to clean it up so he and all of his grandchildren can fish there. I currently have one newphew and my dad bolded all - I called him and said "subtle, dad" and he said "I wasn't trying to be subtle" - For the first time since we've entered this journey I wasn't depressed by the fact that I wasn't able to give him one yet - I was excited by the fact that he'll be so surprised when we do tell them. He and my mother (her in particular) have decided we're never having children. Of course that could be because I'm very good and throwing them off of the scent. When they were here in August she asked me something about kids and my response was a delayed "we like them" She proceeded to tell my little sister (who knows we're TTC) that we're never having children.

So thanks to everyone's help I've decided on the pants and the twinset for the wedding, to be honest I don't really care if they think I'm under dressed, I'll be comfortable and most of my girlfriends will be in BM dresses anyway.

So tomorrow morning we drop Molly off at the kennel and head to KC - hopefully the snow holds off they're saying we could get 1-8" tonight.