So we finally made it to KC on Friday. We finally left here at 1pm when it stopped snowing but the first segment of our drive was TERRIBLE! We saw at least two dozen cars in the ditch. The stretch from our house to the Minnesota/Iowa state line usually takes us just over an hour - it took us just over two and the roads were crap. Once we got to Iowa it was like you flipped a switch, not because they had less snow but because they have better plows, I guess.

So Friday night we had dinner with the IL's and then went over to DH's BF's house and caught up with him and his wife. Saturday we went out to lunch with the IL's and did a little bit of furniture shopping before the wedding. We've been looking for an entry tree and finally found one, so we ordered that and will pick it up when we're home for Christmas.

The wedding was nice - between the wedding and the reception we went to a restaurant and had drinks with six other friends. One is an ENT resident and one is a urologist. The urologist is in his first year as a staff and they just recently moved so they're still getting settled and he was talking about the reality that no one is watching everything he does anymore. The ENT resident is debating between job offers and will be done in 2008. So it was great to catch up with them and our friends that are not in medicine got to see what I hear on a regular basis at social functions as they talked mostly about patients. The wedding was nice, I still feel like an outsider with most of the girls in that group but a few of them do a really good job of keeping me included. No one asked us when we were having kids, but other people's kids plans came up which I thought was interesting. MIL brought other people's kids up severla times this weekend but never said anything about ours - I know she's thinking it though.

Today we slept in and then had lunch with the IL's and drove back - all in all it was a nice trip and other than the drive on Friday I'm glad we went.