I HAVE MY HOUSE BACK! No, seriously other than me being on my death bed, Thanksgiving was good. I started feeling ill Thursday afternoon and by Friday morning I had a fever and the typical flu! Of course it was BLACK FRIDAY so calling in sick was NOT an option - the one day of the year I can't call in sick and THAT is when I get sick. So I go to work from 5am-Noon and then come back home to sleep for three hours. Then head off to the B&B with the IL's. The B&B was very nice, the rooms were very nice but I think I overdid it on Saturday morning and continued to be sick the rest of the weekend. Last night I took different medicine and was feeling better this morning. I'm still icky but getting better. Seriously the time with the IL's was fine. Probably the best visit we've had with them but we were glad they went home this morning. I also felt like MIL was annoyed that I was sick, but that could have just been me being sick. We'll see how Christmas goes. We're back in the baby making business, or the egg making business at this point. Hiding the drugs from the IL's went fine as far as I know. I say that b/c FIL is a pharmacist and if he went digging in the fridge for any reason (hidden in the vegetable drawer) he probably found the progesterone capsules and the gonal-f pen. But if they did find it, it was probably get the progesterone capsules and they probably think I'm pg and a terrible mom since I was drinking all weekend. Oh well. 8) I had my u/s after my gonal-f drugs this morning and I have 6 maturing follicles, again they are afraid we may be overstimulated, I'm so pissed. Why has my body not worked for so long and now its working to well - make up your frickin mind! So we'll see two more nights of drugs and then another u/s on Wednesday AM to see what's next. I'm just glad to have my house back and have some sanity. I think we're going to put up all of our Christmas decorations next weekend when DH is off.