All of this talk about research got me thinking about another great revelation I had about DH's program this week.

March of 2008 he takes the first part (written) of his boards. Here you don't "pass" unless you score above 70% - actually passing is much lower than that. (Technically DH passed by board but not Mayo standards last year but wasn't taking it for credit) His program has been known to have the top two or three in the country on a regular basis. Anyway, to facilitate these FABULOUS scores that they expect they give them six months "off service" - woo hoo! So October - December of 2007 and January - March 2008 DH will be doing easier rotations or studying rotations instead of being in the OR. They still take some call but very little. THEN he will start research that July, woo hoo!

Maybe that is why I'm not pg yet, maybe God has decided I need to be due between October of '07 and March of '08. 8)