4 more work days and counting! I am SO ready for the holidays! Saturday morning we'll drive to the ILs and then Monday's we'll drive to my family for a few days. I haven't seen my little sister and her husband since last Thanksgiving so it will be great to see them. I think we're managing to squeeze in almost all of our KS family during our five day visit and we're squeezing in a KU basketball game! I'm hoping DH's present arrives by Wednesday, if its not here by then I'll start freaking out! Other than that, we're DONE! FINALLY! DH picked up the last gifts for his grandparents today and we are finally DONE. I guess 12/18 is better than 12/24 which is what would have happened had it all been up to DH. Today has been one of those days at work. I just feel like I get NO support from my boss. NONE! I get 1/2 stories from her and then when I try to take care of my part of it I find out I wasn't given the whole story and therfore can't fix it. We have a few third party companies that work with us during the holidays, one has been with us for years yet she NEVER beleives them. If something goes wrong it is ALWAYS their fault, even when it could very well be our security or our housekeeping that screwed up. I feel like I make no real contribution because everything I do is double and triple checked to the point of "why did I even do it in the first place?" I've decided I'm going to send the two ladies at the other job an e-card for the holidays. I want them to know I'm still interested but I don't want to come across as desperate, so I've decided on "I look forward to the possibility of becoming part of your team in 2007." Too cheesy? I guess we'll see. 8) Is it Friday yet?