Well, we're home! aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It was nice to see all of our family but it was a long week and I'm looking forward to spending the next two days doing laundry and getting my house re-organized from the holiday rush. The holidays were good. We left here Friday afternoon because there was rumor of snow Saturday morning and we didn't want a replay of the white knuckle drive that we had in November. We got to the IL's around 10:15 and were up until almost 1am. Sleep was not high on our priority list for the week. Saturday we hung out with some college friends to watch the KU game and had a great time, Molly was glad to be out of the IL's home where she has to wear socks b/c they're afraid she will scratch the hard wood floors. Saturday night we had dinner at Capital Grille with the IL's and BIL - it was fine though I felt like I'd been hit by a ton of bricks when I found out that DH's cousin was pg and expecting in May - she's been married since August. I was little irritated to find out that DH had known since the night before and had not told me, he "thought I was in the room when we had the conversation" but we met her and her new husband or dessert/drinks and it was fine. Surprisingly talking to her about her impending pregnancy didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Sunday, Christmas Eve, was spent at lunch at DH's aunts home and dinner at his other aunts' home. Both were very nice functions and aunt #1 was the only to ask "the question" which I shrugged off and let DH answer. AFTER she asks us the question she proceeds to tell us this story about her previous neighbors that were both working people that never had kids and after several years of being given a hard time about not having kids by the neighborhood (including dear aunt) they started trying to adopt internationally. Aunt's comment was "I guess you never know what is really going on" I felt like screaming, then quit asking the question! Sunday night we opened gifts at the IL's and again were up until well past 1am. DH LOVED his bag, I was stoked! Surprising him at Christmas is so hard. I got a lovely leather jacket from him, clothes from the ILs, movies from BIL and we got a new 5qt skillet with cooking utensils, our last 4 crystal goblets and some other trinkets. Santa also brought a few things Christmas morning, my ILs are very generous people. Monday we got up and drove to my aunt's house for my dad's family Christmas. ALL of his siblings and most of their children were there except for one sister who we all have issues with currently so all in all it was a good day. We took a family photo which I might post when I get a chance, there were over 50 people there and we were glad that my grandparents seem to be in good health for the most part. Then we drove to my parents and I got to spend the rest of Monday and all day Tuesday with my sisters, their husbands, my nephew and my parents. It was so nice to have some quality time. We got several more nice gifts at the parents, including a new Ryobi saw for DH, clothes for me and a new weather station which my mom thought was an odd gift but I'm looking forward to hooking it up. Wednesday we had lunch with DH's grandparents to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. It was a very nice lunch and we are also glad to see that for the most part their health has improved over the last few months. Yesterday we went back to KC and then went to the KU game. It was the first game we had been to since they added the electronic scoreboard and added the hall of fame to the famous Allen Fieldhouse. KU could have looked better but it was still good to be back for a game. We ate at one of our old favorites "Free State Brewery" and ran into one of the DH's old roommates so it was a good night. Today we slept in and then drove home, its so nice to be home! Seems I have lot to catch up on here so I better get to it! Happy New Year everyone!