We actually had a very nice weekend. DH was on call Friday night so Molly and I hung out at home, I finished my book and we just relaxed. Saturday morning DH got home about 11 and we headed out to run errands. We went to Sears and bought the garage door opener and went to Menards to buy salt for our softener. Last week we went to check the softener and it was COMPLETELY empty, I can't imagine that is good for it and I'm surprised one of us didn't notice the change in the water - makes me wonder if its even working, oh well.

So we bought the GDO and DH insisted on doing it himself. So he assembled it in the living room while he watched the KU game (GO HAWKS!), took him about an hour and then we hung it when I got home from a tea I went to. It took us about 3 1/2 hours total which wasn't too terrible. It would have taken us a lot longer if we were installing it from scratch. Its so nice, our old one was very basic. This one has the wireless key pad, a light button and the lights come on if the sensors sense you walk into the garage. It was very reasonably priced too.

So Saturday night was the bowling party for the department. Each staff doc gets a team of 12 and the scores are averaged to select the winner. We bowled for Dr. L which DH is currently rotating with. We were leading after the first game but started having a very bad second game. Luckily we had an EMG guy on our team that bowls regularly and bowled like a 260+, if it wasn't for him I'm sure we would have lost. But it was a lot of fun, its nice to see all the staff outside of the hospital loosen up a bit and its nice to meet the nurses that DH works with on a regular basis.

Sunday we didn't do much of anything, it was nice to just relax and do laundry. We watched the ball games and just hung out. DH got a U2 on U2 book for Christmas which he was reading, its huge - it will take him forever since he never has time to read for pleasure. It started snowing about 2pm, we had a Christmas party to go to for my office at the local comedy club so we shoveled the drive about 6:30 and cleared about 3 inches. We cleared another 2 inches when we got home about 10 and then I cleared about another 3 inches from my 1/2 of the driveway this morning (DH can do his when he gets home). The party at the comedy club was fun, the comedians were hillarious.

All in all it was a nice weekend, now I get to go battle the airport crowds as I fly to Chicago for work. Leaving this afternoon and coming home Wednesday night, hopefully both flights are uneventful.