So I got home last night on the first flight and one time - woo hoo!

A friend from here turned 35 last week so six of us got together and had drinks/dessert at a local restaurant last night. I knew four of the other five before I went, mostly on an aquaintance basis only, except for the birthday girl - her husband and my husband are the same year in the same program and we see each other pretty regularly. It was nice to be out in the evening with a group of girls, of course they all have children, three of them are pg so a lot of the talk focused on their kids - but it was fun.

On that note most of them know each other from bible study. There is a group here that meets every Friday morning from a 90 minute bible study, I'm told its really more of a social function and its non-denominational. Childcare is provided and L tells me that is where most of her real friends have come from here. So I'm joining the evening version, its a small group of 16 (I think) and they meet every Tuesday, most of this group doesn't have children and it sounds like most of them work so hopefully I'll be able to make some new friends here as well as enrich myself at the same time. Since I have a hard time dragging my butt out of bed for mass on Sundays since "no one will notice if I'm not there" hopefully this group will make me feel more accountable.

DH is off this weekend and we have NO plans - woo hoo!