So the Oprah posts about her show made me think about one thing that has changed in me since we started TTC. I don't ask the question anymore, "do you have kids" or "are you planning to have kids" or even worse "when are you planning to have kids?"

I've learned that you never know what that person is going through you never know what that question could do to them. Yes, a lot of people would say that is being overly sensitive but until you've been there, until you've lived month to month feeling like you are inadequate because you can't do what women are put on this earth to do, you don't know.

We had dinner with some friends Saturday night, they do not know. When we moved here our response to everyone, including family, was that we would wait until DH's research years (5-6) to have kids. So that is what everyone continues to assume which is fine with me because we don't get hassled about it. Saturday night we were talking about going back to work and home versus center daycare. I've always said that I planned to be a SAHM but due to the crimp this has put on our finances I'll probably have to work for a year or two after the little one is born depending on when that actually happens. I mentioned that I would probably be going back to work and M started to ask me something and then stopped herself. We went on to talk about other things and it wasn't a big deal but I wonder what made her stop, I wonder what she was going to ask and then decided against.

It just goes to show that you never know what is going on with someone and what people are thinking...