So we're supposed to get buried this weekend (not NY buried) but still at least a foot and probably more. Should be fun, luckily DH is home b/c he "fixed" the snowblower the other day and I want him to be the one using it if it breaks again. We've decided better got to the grocery store tonight because we have no food and they're talking ice, snow, etc.

In other news today is CD-6. I'm on a new drug cocktail this cycle and I have an u/s Sunday to find out how the eggies are developing (hopefully that's only an egg, or two - not more) I'm trying to not worry about it this cycle and something that happened yesterday will probably help me with that...

THE job is posted! The job is posted! :stars: Yesterday afternoon I checked the job board and there it was! I arrived home to an e-mail from the hiring manager with the full job description and the HR contact's name as well as her assistant. It sounds like I have to go in for another behavorial interview (yuck!) but we'll see. I'm just ready to move into the benefits/salary information and get this going. Hopefully they'll be fine with the fact that we already have vacations planned through June, they're mostly three day weekends but its still going to be a few days off.

So I guess I may not be going to Vegas next month, I guess we'll see. I won't tell anyone here until I give notice but I suspect that will be before March 11th unless the hiring manager has some travel coming up.

So I told DH last night that this could be the month of change - maybe a new job and a baby on the way! Of course then we run into the issues that I won't be eligible for FMLA because I won't have been in my job for a year but we'll deal with that when it happens, I'm not passing up this opportunity for something that hasn't happened in 21 months.

Back to my current job. :hey: