Today was a good day. KU played Texas this morning at 11, it was a fabulous game! KU was down in the first half but came back to beat Texas and win the Big 12 Championship. Fabulous way end the regular season and head into March Madness.

Then this afternoon I went to a shower for one of DH's co-residents. It was mostly wives of residents since she is one of only two female residents in the program. It was a lot of fun, she got some really nice stuff though its obvious she has no idea what to do with any of it. She's a total tomboy and she's having a girl so she registered for everything in green and yellow but she did get a few very pink things which she thought was pretty funny. I took a really yummy spinach appetizer, I'll have to post the recipe in the recipe forum. I also got to talk to a few of the other resident spouses that are older that I don't know as well, we really do have a great group and should do things together more often.

All in all it was a good day, I came home after that and just kind of vegged, took a nap, watched basketball. Tomorrow I need to polish up for my Monday interview. I just can't get into that mind set yet for some reason but I need to get there by 9am on Monday.