Well I'm back from Vegas. The trip was okay - not spectacular. On one hand I was hoping it would make me love my job again but it only made me realize that while I work for a great company I'm in the wrong seat on the bus and because I'm stuck here there are no other seats available to me.

So I came back to a phone call from TWFMC for a DIFFERENT job interview. Another marketing position that I applied for but had written off. So I have an interview on Wednesday, we'll see how it goes. As for the MA job, they called my references on Friday, since I'm back just for the afternoon I e-mailed the HR lady and asked for an update, she e-mailed me back that a decision had not been made. I don't see that as a good thing. If they were that excited about hiring me for this position why haven't they extended an offer yet? They've said themselves, several times, that they want to move quickly.

So DH and I are off to Duluth for a four day weekend tomorrow morning, it will be nice to get away for a while. We plan to relax, watch basketball, eat nice dinners out, snowshoe, and meet Flynn and her family.