So I interviewed for the job yesterday, wasn't at all excited about it so I think I'll decline a 2nd interview if I'm offered one. I'm also now officially done looking seriously. I will probably browse and apply for one off things that REALLY interest me, but I'm counting down the days to retirement, even though its a year away. DH is working days this weekend 8am-8pm so we're going out to dinner tonight and then I'm going to go get my hair cut in the morning. I'm not sure what I want, probably just a basic blunt cut at shoulder length with some layering around the face. I want to keep my length but my current style is killing me. DH takes his boards tomorrow for the last time as practice. Next year it will be him freaking out instead of his two older colleagues. I'm sure by this time next year I'll be ready to kill him. An older classmen always throws a party the night of boards but I don't think we're going to go since DH is on days. I guess we'll see what time he gets home and how tired he is. The weather has been very drab the last few days, I suppose we should be thankful that we haven't had any of the tornado-like weather the southern parts have had but I'm really sick of the rain. I don't know how people that live in rainy states do it, I need some sun on a regular basis. Hopefully it will be back on Monday.