So we are just plugging along here in cold MN. Luckily we only had flurries on Tuesday and none of them accumulated. My mom called last night to say it was snowing in southern KS - ha ha!

DH is back on a single attending service as of last Saturday (woo hoo!) He worked last weekend but is off this weekend so Saturday we are going carpet shopping and Sunday we are FINALLY fixing the fence so Miss Molly is CONTAINED. I had a friend tell me her friend watched a beagle get hit by a car and killed this week b/c he had his nose to the ground and ran across a busy street. THAT is exactly what scares me about Molly being able to get out of our yard so it will be nice to have that piece of mind especially since she loves being outside in the spring and summer. DH's attending was on spring break with his kids this week so DH was home before me most days, that was nice.

We have now received all three bids on having our house painted. DH is making some calls with questions for them. Luckily my BIL painted houses one summer for a College Pro franchise that he owned and so DH called him last night and they figured out exactly what questions he needs to ask. I'm glad he's taking control of it, I hate to deal with male contractors they just treat women differently even if they say they don't. So it looks like we'll be spending about $2,800 which is still a couple thousand less then I had budgeted so we're happy about that.

I got my hair cut last weekend - it was driving me nuts so I got a very simple straight shoulder length cut. I don't have any pictures but I was on TV last night if you want to see it. Pay no attention to the rest of the story. You have to click on the picture for it to play: I don't have to be on TV very often for my job but when I am I feel like they always catch me on a bad day.

Other then watching the Masters and the college basketball carousel not much else going on here!