Wow its been over two weeks since I've given an update. Where to start... Molly got out of the yard again last night. There was a section of fence that DH didn't think we needed to do when we Molly-proofed the yard a few weekends ago so I made him go out in the rain and fill it with bricks for a temporary fix and we'll be fixing that this weekend. We left Thursday morning for St. Louis and got back last night. DH is one of a group of 5 that have been friends since high school, one of the guys he's known since he was 8. One of the five was the groom, one was a best man and the other three were ushers. It was a beautiful wedding, DH said next to ours he thinks it was the best of the four we've already had. #5 will be getting married later this year or early next year, his fiance is from Budapest so she has to apply for a fiance visa which is why they can't set a date just yet. We're all very excited to meet her - he is TOTALLY smitten. So of the three married guys besides DH we all get along SPLENDIDLY except for the wife that joined the group last summer. We had only met her once before their wedding and that was at the wedding from this group that was in '04. His parents and sisters were also in attendance so we didn't think much of it when she chose to hang out with them instead of getting to know the rest of us. At her wedding, of course, she was busy so again we didn't worry about not getting to really know her. So this was our first chance to really get to know her, we all sat together at rehearsal and minus the bride and groom we all sat together at the wedding. She drove me NUTS! EVERY topic that came up, she had an opinion that was opposite everyone else's. Now I'm all for debating, I think its good educational conversation unless the other person isn't willing to listen. She could care less why you think the way you do or how your situation is different then hers she goes on and on and on until you either just leave or change the subject, and sometimes that doesn't even work. It was very late in the evening on Saturday, the reception was pretty much over but the band was going to continue to play for another 30 minutes so the 7 of us went out on the deck and were chatting. Another piece of background information you need is that she isn't really working right now, her husband is a PhD student and she has taken some odd jobs but she's not using her teaching degree because she doesn't really want to. Which is fine, I know all about being stuck in jobs you hate. So the topic of kids comes up and she goes OFF about how she's not having children until this world starts giving fathers the same kind of flexibility they give mothers and why should she have to give up her career (what career?) to raise children while her husband works. That marriages should be a true partnership and that husbands should have just as much responsibility for caring for the children. Keeping in mind that she's ALWAYS right I just let her go on and on and then I finally left. I HATE it when people try to tell you how to live your life. Should women HAVE to give up their careers? No! Can they? Yes. Do they have to sometimes based on circumstances? Yes. I would have loved to introduce her to this group. I wanted so badly to say "so when you're dying and can't see your doctor because he's on "flex time" how are you going to feel about that?" I do feel like my life is a partnership, he chooses to make the money and I choose to stay home. Anyway, people like that just aggravate me and it concerns me that this couple is going to grow away from the group because of her and the fact that you can't carry a normal conversation with her. So maybe this is a topic that is a little to close for me right now but at 11pm after a long weekend it just rubbed me the wrong way. Other then that we are great. DH is on night call Wednesday and then isn't on call again until mid-May (woo hoo!). His brother will be coming to visit us two weeks from today. He's been invited to a talk/conference here so he'll be staying with us the rest of the week and the weekend since DH is off that weekend and not on call any of those nights. We're looking forward to it, when its just the three of us we usually get along fine - when you add the parents its a whole other story. Plus he'll be here the week we install the carpet, so he can help move furniture. Other then that not much going on here, just plugging along!