Reactions...were mostly good.

I called my older sister first b/c I knew she had to leave for work at 5. I told her and she truly seemed happy on the phone. She did ask me if this was planned and knowing what she has been through I felt it was important to tell her what we've been through. I thought that would make it better or okay for her but come to find out when mom called her later to find out how she was doing with the news she was a little ticked b/c I hadn't told anyone I'd been diagnosed with PCOS. Seems she thinks if she has the same thing that could help them. I don't agree because I've asked her questions over the last year to rule it out myself for her and any good fertility doc should have tested her for it right away if they thought she had it. But anyway, hopefully she's okay with it.

My parents were probably the most shocked I think. I think my mom had given up on us having kids and my dad LOVES babies so he's SUPER excited. I sent a friend from home an e-mail about 9pm last night she ran into my mom this morning so she already knew by the time she checked her e-mail. My mother must have told everyone she saw this morning.

The ILs had to be told seperately b/c my MIL has bridge on Tuesday nights and FIL was going out to work with his big boss who was visiting from out of town. They were very happy for us but least excited, I think they figured sometime in the next year would be our time. FIL is a pharmacist so we got into a long involved discussion about the drugs I took, his funniest comment was "you know the biggest side effect of clomid is multiples" we seemed to burst his bubble when we told him we've had two u/s and there is only one baby. MIL was very excited as well, DH just slipped it into the conversation pretty slyly, it was pretty funny. They're coming up to visit this weekend so we'll see how it goes. This will be their first grandchild so they're excited.

Then we called grandparents and I called one of my childhood friends. We were on the phone ALL night. Then we sent out an e-mail to the rest of our friends and family, I know a mass e-mail is so impersonal but I hate it when people find out your big news from someone else and there really is no other way to keep up with everyone these days.

I told my co-workers this morning and they were all very happy for us, I'll be interested to see what DH's co-workers said today.

So those are our reactions.