What a LONG weekend! Don't get me wrong it was nice but I'm exhausted and need another weekend to myself. MIL & FIL arrived on Friday around 9:15pm - DH was on call so we sat up and talked for about an hour and then went to bed. Saturday we all got up and around about 8 or 9, luckily DH had a quiet night and was home and concious by 9am. Saturday we just kind of hung out, they wanted to see our church so we did that and then went by DH's department picnic and out to dinner. The picnic was interesting and the reason I didn't want to go is exactly what happened. DH and his dad are EXACTLY alike, they can meet people and BS about anything. FIL is a pharmacist so they can talk medicine and he understands most of it. So we go to this picnic and MIL clings on to me so I introduced her to some of the wives but we were talking about my pregnancy, their pregnancies, their kids, about people she didn't know, etc. So she then wandered off and was talking to one of the surgical staff's wives who I didn't know. DH and FIL would have stood there and talked all night but I finally convinced DH it was time to go when she started looking pouty like she does in social situations that are uncomfortable to her. I've tried, I don't know what else to do, her and I have very little in common so it makes situations like that very hard. Dinner out was nice, eating out or at all is hard for me right now b/c nothing sounds good. So once I order something I just have to hope its ok. Last night we ordered pizza and I couldn't even eat a 1/2 piece. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be GAINING weight. Yesterday we got up early and played golf, I only played 9 holes because we had played last month and I got really tired. I think I could have managed playing 18 this month and I beat DH on 3 holes - woo hoo! Then we hung around at home, napped and relaxed for the rest of the day. MIL & FIL taught us this card game called Hand & Foot - it was fun. Molly was so well behaved all weekend then this morning all hell broke loose. We're having the outside of our house painted and they started last week but only got one day in before it rained for two days. So they came back at 7am this morning and she goes balistic. She can hear strange voices on the outside of the house so she's barking CONSTANTLY while I'm trying to get ready for work and the IL's are trying to sleep. They seemed very understanding but it was so frustrating b/c she had been so good all weekend. The weather is supposed to be much nicer this week so hopefully they're done in a few days. IL's are moving to a hotel today b/c their clinic appointments start tomorrow so we may still see them Wednesday night otherwise it will be next month when we're home. They did bring us our first baby gift a cute bear and blanket from PB Kids and of course we gave them their anniversary gift which we had ordered with BIL and they opened it and it was wrong. That was pretty funny, the company had put a very nice men's swiss army watch in the box, not at all what it was supposed to be and the look on MILs face was priceless. All in all a good weekend just some frustrating times and I'm EXHAUSTED! :huh: