I changed my signature - as of tomorrow DH is OFFICIALLY a PGY-4! YAY! :rah: Six more months and he will be 1/2 way done! :stars: Isn't that sad? I'm excited about him having 3 1/2 years under his belt and having 3 1/2 to go!

But in all seriousness I'm SO looking forward to the next three months, really the next three years. Starting Sunday he is on neurology for three months. The great thing about that is that he's basically an extra set of hands so he takes NO call. This first month he has to work one day every weekend (that we're not already gone) but the 2nd two months he will also have no weekends. It really is great timing, by the end of September hopefully we'll have the nursery put together. We won't buy anything else at that point because I won't have had my showers but if we can at least get all the furniture bought, assembled and moved in I'll be thrilled since we don't know what rotation he's on September - December.

I talked to my mom about the shower last night, she was no help at all! I think I'll just have to talk to MIL when we're home in two weeks and find out how many people she thinks is reasonable, then we'll just have to have two showers in one day if necessary. My former MOH would be happy to throw me one too I'm just not nuts about an afternoon shower and an evening shower all in the same day when I'm 29 weeks pregnant. I'm sure it will all work out.

DH is on call tonight so after work I'm going to get a mani and pedi and then I'm going home to do whatever I want!