So I was off yesterday - it was SO nice to be out of the office on a weekday, I didn't think about it once and I can't imagine I'm going to miss it all once the baby comes.

I finally responded to the hiring manager:
I’ve struggled with how to respond to this e-mail. To be honest I am burnt out with Mayo because after three years I’ve found it almost impossible to get your foot in the door. It seems there will always be an internal candidate. Yet I’m still very interested in the positions you offer as a Marketing Analyst.

I also am not looking right now because I am expecting my first child in December and with the leave and benefits of my current job it doesn’t make sense to move at this time. After the baby is born and I’ve had my time off I may consider part time or work from home jobs but I won’t be returning to a full time schedule.

I do appreciate all of your interest.

She was very nice in her response, started out with several congratulations about the baby and how she thinks having a child is the greatest thing in the world. She did get to what I thought she was getting at, that they currently have a 1/2 time position open. She said to let her know after I've had my leave maybe there will be another 1/2 time position that opens up or I could work on a project basis. So that is good, at least I know I might have an option if I do decide I want (or need) to work after the baby comes.

So we're dog sitting for some friends this weekend. They dropped their black lab off on Thursday evening. Thursday evening was a little rough, every time she moved or whined it woke me up (she sleeps on the floor by the bed). But she is finally settled and I slept much better last night. Of course I'm also reminded why we won't ever have a large dog, Molly is the perfect size. But we spent most of the day out on the deck, the dogs relaxing and me reading - I love this time of year.

DH of course worked his longest day of the week yesterday I know I shouldn't complain, he's on neurology this quarter and the nice thing about the nsurg residents doing neurology rotations is that they're basically just an extra set of hands, no call. So he went in to round this morning and should be home in a couple of hours, tomorrow he's off and we're heading up to the cities to do some baby shopping. We're going to USA Baby because they supposedly have the best/biggest selections, we're also going to Ikea and this shop in St. Paul called Baby Grand. We'll probably look there more then anything, I hear they're pretty expensive.

This afternoon we're headed to a pool party at the Chairman's house. He really is a great guy and his kids are cute and hillarious so I'm sure it will be fun. I'm not sure how many of the residents will come since DH is off service this quarter he hasn't seen them much. But it wil be a perfect day for it b/c at 10:15am its already 76 degrees. Tomorrow its supposed to be mid-90's. I, of course, won't be swimming b/c I don't have a suit. All of my pre-pg suits are two pieces and my belly is sticking out a little more then I'm comfortable with at this point. I tried to find a tankini yesterday but didn't have much luck. I'm going to have to go online and buy one anyway b/c I suspect I'll need one for the September trip to Napa.

I'm 16 weeks today - yay! We've got 2 1/2 weeks until the ultrasound where we find out the gender. Next weekend we're headed to KC for a college girlfriend's wedding, it will be good to see everyone and my parents are coming to the ILs for lunch or dinner Saturday so it will be good to see them too.

So that is about all that is going on in our exciting life right now, I'm enjoying the summer.