So my parents are coming tomorrow - yay! I have NO idea what we're going to do all weekend, but I'm looking forward to their visit - its been about a year since they were here last and that was a working visit, we were all exhausted by the time they left.

I got notice today that the baby's dresser is in, so DH and dad will go pick that up Saturday. I'm hopefull the crib will come in by then too. Then they can put them together. I know we have time but the room is such a mess right now that I have no where to put gifts that people have sent us. I realized today I need to start making a list and writing thank you notes as we go so that I don't get overwhelmed which means I should probably go buy some stamps too - I use them so rarely these days.

My birthday is also Saturday - its not a big birthday, just 31 but I'm interested to see what DH gets me. For the last three years I have let my birthday slide because he's been SO busy. He has either gotten me a card or a gift, usually not both and usually not on the actual day. This year he has no excuse. He worked an average of less hours then I did in July and this week he's on a 2pm-10pm shift so he has tons of time every morning to figure something out. Its not the issue of what he gets me but just that he gets me something. I guess we'll see. I don't think he has gotten me anything yet and tomorrow morning he's playing golf with a co-resident - who knows. :huh:

Not a lot going on otherwise - I'm starting to enter that "I feel fat" zone. I can really feel the skin stretching on my stomach and I've pretty much outgrown all of my non-maternity pants. I ordered two more pair from JCPenney, hopefully they come today and hopefully they fit. My sister got me a Motherhood Maternity gift card for my birthday so that is good because I'm always in need of more tops. Just when I think "I haven't felt Baby M move lately" she starts doing sommersaults or something. I wish I had an u/s so I could see what she's doing when she's so active. DH hasn't been able to feel her yet, but I would suspect soon, maybe another week or so.

I'm off tomorrow afternoon to take Molly for her annual vet visit, time for her rabies shot and all that jazz. It will be an expensive visit I'm sure but since her one visit/year and food is about all we spend on her I guess I shouldn't complain.

So that is life here - not very exciting, just the usual.