So we've decided on a name! Yay! I'm very happy with it and beleive me it is killing me not to tell you as much as you're probably ready to kill me for not telling you.

We ended up with a name from both sides of our families which I'm very excited about, the first name comes from DH's mother's side and the middle name comes from my mom's side, I think everyone will be pleased and I'm pretty sure there won't be 10 of her in her classes since this name hasn't been on the top 1000 since the 50's.

DH is off this weekend, we're going to do some errands and relaxing and working on the nursery. We've got 1/2 of the prints for the walls framed and will hopefully have them all framed and hung by tomorrow. I need to get the ones above the changing table hung so that we can decide how big her name letters are going to be. DH is going to make them b/c I want to use the Dr. Seuss font, he doesn't think it will be that hard then we'll paint them and hang them with ribbon. So hopefully I'll have photos (without the letters ) early next week.

23 weeks today, while on one hand I feel like where has that time gone, I think we still have 17 weeks left - ack! I know we're no where ready to have her here but that doesn't make me any less impatient.

I also came to the revelation this week that I might go back to work after I stayed home for at least six months. Not to this job and it would have to be a great job, most likely part time but if the right one opened up I think I'd at least throw my hat in the ring.

That is about all that is going on here - just enjoying the sun which finally made a reappearance yesterday and we're not supposed to have rain again until at least Monday.