I just need to vent about a few things and I'm going to do it here because I don't have to worry about it turning into a debate. Read them if you want, if you want to hang me up by my toes send me a PM.

The whole surgical debate/questions that started last week is still bothering me. I GET that I have a great situation, I GET that we are lucky to have a program that TRULY abides by the 80 hour rules, time off between shifts, one day off/week. And every time this topic comes up all I'm trying to do is show people that programs like this DO exist. Yes, I know they are few and far between and yes I know we're EXTREMELY lucky to have matched here but its possible and I hope all surgical spouses or possible surgical spouses know that yes, there are nasty programs out there and yes they are more then 1/2 but they are NOT ALL! This also goes back to what someone said about you can't read tone, etc. online - part of the problem behind that is that you have to be careful which words you choose IMO. A statement was made "all surgical fellowships" - again, its not ALL. We have a friend who's currently doing a nsurg fellowship and his call schedule is Q4, he works one weekend a month and is training with one of the best in the country in the area of specialization that he chose. So yes, maybe "all surgical fellowships" are bad in the surgical area that your spouse is involved in - since my spouse isn't in that area, I couldn't tell you. But to say all of something so broad and general is bad is misleading.

I know this is a support board and I know there are members here who have it a lot worse then I do and my heart sinks every time I hear one of their stories. If one of my responses has ever made them feel like less of a person because my situation does seem easier then I apologize.

<<Removed b/c I've decided I really was being a bitch - must be my horomones.>>

I may come back and delete this later but at least its off my chest.