So all I've been doing in my blog lately is bitching - I should post some happy news!

I'm 23weeks and 5 days today, I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Everything was fine, Baby M's heartbeat was 160 and I had gained just over seven pounds in the last five weeks. I'm at about 11 pounds for the whole pregnancy though I still attribute some of that to the fertility drugs. I had some "leakage" last week so we got to have a quick glance at Baby M on the ultrasound - her fluid levels were fine so they said it was probably just mucous. She was sleeing so we didn't get any activity during the quick glance, she could have cared less that we were looking at her.

I'm feeling her move on a pretty regular basis now, right after I eat and right after I pee seems to be her active times. My next appointment is 9/28 and that is my GD test and then I'll meet with my doc 10/1 to go over the results. I scheduled it for first thing in the morning so doc said I could have one piece of toast for breakfast, hopefully I pass - I'll be starving by the time its done, that's for sure.

I'll take my 24 week belly shot Saturday, I think I've decided I want to do every two weeks starting at 26, we'll see how noticeable the difference is then.

We're getting the nursery put together. The crib and dresser are assembled, the prints for the wall are framed and just need to be hung. A furniture store here in town is going out of business and somehow we got invited to their pre-sale sale so we bought a rocker/recliner last night that is a really nice Lazy Boy and is leather. Its not the glider I was originally wanting but it was a great deal probably cost about 2/3 what a glider would and will be a practical chair for once we aren't in need of a nursery any longer. So we're picking that up tonight and hopefully Monday we can get the prints hung and I can get some pictures posted. The last piece will be adding Baby M's name which we'll do right after she's born. I'm getting excited for my first shower which is 10/7, we really haven't bought her anything so it will be exciting to have all that stuff.