No update in a week? Nothing really to update, barely into the third trimester and the tiredness is already coming back, plus I'm a little perturbed that pants I bought ~3 months ago that should have fit all the way through are now getting uncomfortable. Thursday night DH and I are attending a breastfeeding class (I'm sure he's thrilled), I have my GD test on Friday, an appointment on Monday to get the results of Friday and then I'm off the 5th & 8th for a long weekend! Yay! Work is driving me BATTY! I have nothing to do and responsibilities that I enjoy doing are being circumvented from me, just because my boss likes to take projects that interest her when she has nothing to do for herself - I'm so ready for it to be Christmas. One of my co-workers announced today that she is having twins, we knew she was pg but just got this news today. She had to do IVF and I'm very happy for you. Luckily she also has a lot of family support b/c her husband had meningitis a few years ago and has no hands so its hard for him to do some things as you can imagine. She is due in mid-May but she's also super small so I'll be surprised if she makes it to mid-April. Baby M is taking tae kwan do or something in-utero, every night about 9:30pm she is just moving like crazy. Its so funny to just see her move rather then have to feel her. 88 days to go. Oh and I'm about to kill one of DH's Chief residents. The new quarter starts on Saturday and we don't have the schedule yet b/c he's on VACATION! In all of Brian's 3+ years we have never gotten the schedule this late. He gets to enjoy his vacation while holding everyone else's life for the next three months hostage!