28 weeks tomorrow, where has the time gone? I took my 1 hour GD test this morning and will get the results at my appointment on Monday. I don't know what I wouldn't pass it but then again stranger things have happened. I'm anxious to see how much weight I've gained too as there are a few girls on my pregnancy message board that are even due before me that are much smaller then me. I know I'm a petite person to start with but I feel like a fat cow, not that I'm complaining.

DH and I went to our Breastfeeding class last night, one of the OB floor nurses taught it so she was able to give us lots of information on how they handle moms who want to strictly breastfeed and the help that we'll get. The class was very basic, introductory material and then we'll take a class at the hospital while we're patients. They give it every morning at 10:30 for all moms who are interested so that will be helpful. Plus the lactation consultants will see you each day that your admitted and the floor nurses will help you with every feeding. They will even keep you for an extra day if you're having big issues b/c as she said they can't send you home until you're baby will eat and if you choose to breastfeed exclusively they'll keep you until they're sure you can do it at home. I know its going to be a lot of work but I'm looking forward to it and hoping that we get a cooperative little one.

DH finally got his schedule for October - December. (Yes, it starts tomorrow and he just got it this morning). The Cheif resident making up the schedule is also expecting his first child sometime in the next few months so he made sure DH got what he requested. His last night of call for the quarter is Dec. 4th so she can come anytime after that as he's been given a "floating" week of vacation that he can take after then. He's only on call 2 weekends and 5 nights so we definitely can't complain. Its so nice that he is a senior resident now. 7th year is going to suck.

Several things in the last few days have made me very greatful that my pregnancy has been "textbook" so far. I can't imagine that I'd be as strong as Kate or other moms who know the obstacles their children will face once they arrive. I'm also thankful that I'm getting to celebrate my pregnancy the way I see fit, my poor co-worker is only about 7 weeks along and because she chose to tell us that she directly works with everyday our boss has made her tell tons of people, plus she'll tell people "have you spoken to M" without telling them but at least letting them know something is up. I'm so glad we didn't tell anyone until 13 weeks, its her news she should get to share it as she sees fit and unfortunately she's not getting to do that. She's pg with twins, I hope it progresses okay for her.

I think when we were TTC all we could think about was getting that positive pg test, now I look at the responsibility, joys, and sadness that we'll encounter for the rest of our life because we chose to give life to this little girl and I thank God every day for her and I hope that someday she'll thank him for us.