Aah the joys of a long weekend! DH and I left here Friday morning and drove to McLouth, KS where my BIL is a high school football coach. We spent a few hours with my sister, BIL and nephew and then went to the game where they promptly got their butts kicked 41-0. They were doing really well until they started shooting themselves in the foot! Oh well. Then we drove 3 hours to my parents arriving and crashing promptly at 12:30am. Ack!

Saturday was homecoming of the small town that I grew up in. It was...interesting. The town is about 3,000 and there were 50 in my graduating class. We got there in time to see the parade which was PATHETIC in comparision to parades of past like when my sisters and I were in high school. The only floats were the queen, princess and 4-H floats, everything else was tractors and loud truck and old cars and trucks pulling flatbeds with the class of whatever on it. When I was in high school there were usually 2-4 high school bands, several high school organization floats, it was just bad. So of course after the parade we walk around the square to see who we run into. I ran into about 8-10 of my classmates and 5-8 kids I knew from other classes around mine, not bad since it wasn't a reunion year. Some have not changed nor have they left little Fredonia and its really interesting to see. Some talked to me like we were long lost friends, others did the obligatory catching up (what do you do, etc) and of course everyone asked when I was due. It was great to see a few of them but really just reinforced that DH and I will NEVER live within 2-3 hours of that town - ugg! Of course DH didn't get to meet any of them because he went off with my dad to the car show. Oh well, as soon as someone asked where I was and I told them they'd immediately ask why and when I told them DH was a neurosurgery resident at the Mayo Clinic the conversation turned most of the time anyway. Oh well - I got out, we're happy and successful and I know some of them resent that. Not my issue.

My dad tried twice to find out the baby's name but we wouldn't tell him. My mom says he has a reason he wants to know and I said we'll accept all personalized gifts late without question. Nice try, dad!

So then we went home to watch the KU-KState football game which we had taped. ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK - GO KU! KU beat KState in Manhattan for the first time since 1989, KU is now RANKED in the top 25 of college football Div 1 and we are still UNDEFEATED! Woo Hoo! :rah: SO EXCITED!

So we hung around with my parents, my other sister and her DH for the evening and then headed to KC Sunday morning. We had pregnancy pictures taken at my dear friend's studio and I will post the link as soon as they're available to see. I was very excited about them and can't wait to see them. Then we headed to the IL's. My shower was SO MUCH FUN! MIL and FIL did a great job getting the house ready, the food and drinks were yummy, we had about 20 people and Baby M got lots of great stuff as well as lots of cute clothes.

The cake was made by a cake lady in Kansas City. My sister had originally ordered the hat from Cat in the Hat but the cake lady called her a week before and said I have this cake that I just did for a contest, I can make one for you. It was SO CUTE and so yummy! The fondant characters were removeable and I get to keep them so I'm looking for a shadow box/shelf thing to display them in. The cake lady said she has some characters she's kept for 4 years.

The favors: Cat in the Hat cookies, my MIL made:

DH and I at the food table (before he left to play golf, which got rained out after 5 holes):

My MIL and I:

The quilt my grammy made for Baby M:

And the Dr. Seuss bedding set that we had not registered for b/c it was so expensive, DH's grandmother that lives in TX bought it for us, we can't wait to get it on the bed!

Then Sunday night we went out with MIL and FIL for dinner and then we drove home yesterday. Molly isn't so sure what to think about all the stuff that is now taking over Baby M's room.