10 more weeks, 10 more weeks - I'm just going to keep chanting that to myself! It is 8:15 on a Wednesday night and where am I? Working the Guest Service counter at my mall. Why? Because one of our employees called FREAKED out at 4:15 and said she was rushing her dog to the vet, no big deal she'd check in when she knew what was going on. My day shift lady couln't work her shift b/c she's already getting to much overtime this week. We usually have a staff of one full time and five part time to run this center. We are currently sitting at three part time, one of which is out for surgery, the other called in sick last night and we didn't want to risk calling her in tonight b/c she's working a lot of hours the next three days. So I'm covering which means I've now been at work for 12 hours straight, my back is starting to hurt and it'll be 9:30 before I get home - oh and did I mention I haven't eaten since lunch? Ten more weeks, ten more weeks...