Well it looks like I'll be reading the "traveling with a newborn" thread in a few months. One of DH's groomsmen that DH has been friends with since high school and a guy I got to know very well in college is getting married March 8th. So Baby M will be around 10 weeks old and we'll be taking her to California. We're very excited for him, his fiance is foreign (Budapest) and so it has taken them quite a while to get all the visas, etc. done. He e-mailed this morning that the first hurdle was over and the date had been set. The wedding is in Laguna Beach so we'll probably fly into San Diego and spend a day or so with DH's brother as well. It will be good to see all of DH's friends and for them to get to meet Baby M. Luckily he didn't set the date any later as DH is taking his boards the last Saturday in March. We're looking forward to meeting his fiance as well, all we've seen is pictures to this point because she hasn't been to the states yet. Should be fun, hopefully we can find cheap tickets. Hopefully that's too early to be thinking about spring break but if I can find them for less then $300 each I'm just going to get them. Fun, fun!