66 days - can you beleive it? 66 days. I can't! We got a lot accomplished this weekend which is good because I've pretty much lost my DH for the next two weeks. His chairman told him yesterday he wanted him to apply for a grant for his research that he'll start in July, the problem? Its due on the 31st. Granted its great money and they think he has a great shot at getting it but they didn't give him much notice. Anyway, this weekend we bought a closet organizer system for our master closet. Its always been my closet and while its not a walk-in, its a very nice depth and height. It only had a shelf and a clothes bar when we moved in. So we buy the system Saturday and we take the shelf and the bar out only to learn that they had painted the closet around the shelf and bar so of course that looked like crap when you took them. So we had to spackle, sand, and paint the closet which then had to dry overnight before we could install the new system. DH was on call and I decided the paint fumes were to much for me to sleep in that room so I slept on the couch. I could have slept in the guest room but that would have been to much effort since there were no sheets on the bed, I should have slept on the downstairs couch, its much more comfy. Oh well. So Sunday we spent several hours installing the closet system. Its FABULOUS! I have more rod space then I had, DH has more rod space then had, I now have a very nice shoe rack that hangs on the wall the only missing piece is a light which DH is going to buy today. Its one of those projects that we both looked at each other and said, why didn't we do this earlier. So then Sunday night when DH was on call I was able to unpack all of the stuff that we had received for Baby M. The nursery now looks like a nursery, we both thought she had tons of clothes but have now come to realize she has next to none. She has 2 outfits in the newborn size, like 6 in the 3-6 months and a few in each size after that. Luckily I still have two showers left so I'm sure she'll get more. So all in all it was a great weekend and I'm glad we got it done before this grant popped up. Last night we had dinner with an old roommate of mine, she was in Winona on business so we drove over and had dinner with her. She's one of those friends that you can not talk to forever and just pick right back up where you were. It was great to see her. She lives in Vail and its been almost four years since I've seen her and we e-mail but not regularly. She was so excited to see me and my belly which she kept calling the prosthetic. Luckily this job she has will bring her back in the January - February time frame so I'll get to see her again and she'll get to meet Baby M. So when I was putting things away on Sunday I started freaking out that this might not be a girl. I've left the tags on all of her clothes so they can be returned if she doesn't wear them. But I started taking all these blankets and receiving blankets and bibs and sleepers out of their packages and throwing the packages away and then freaked just a tad. What if this is a boy? Everything is pink! So I'm hoping at some point I'll get another confirmation that this is a girl but I get the impression I'm not getting any more u/s's so I guess we'll see. I'm ready for her to be here, 9 weeks from Saturday is 40 weeks. My boss is coming down on 11/7 to go over everything that will need to be covered while I'm out. I think everyone is so caught up with the holidays that her pending arrival is sneaking up on most. I think after the 11/4 shower I'll be ready for her to be here, of course then she needs to wait another month so that DH is done with call. Ok, back to my exciting job, can you tell its a slow day?