All the preparations are done for Black Friday, all the goodie bags are stuffed, all the press arrangements are made and I have to be here at 4am. But you know what? Its my LAST ONE! If you want me to go shopping on Black Friday anytime in the next five years you will have to carry me kicking and screaming from my house.

So tomorrow DH and I are having Thanksgiving, JUST US! I'm kind of excited about having a quiet, relaxing day - dinner can be ready whenever its ready, we can eat whenever we'd like. I wonder if triptophan (sp?) is a good labor inducer. We can watch all the football we want, or not. I don't think we've ever spent a holiday completely alone, or if we have its been years.

Then Saturday we'll be watching THE game of KU's football history. If anyone is looking for something to do Saturday night, I highly recommend KU versus Mizzou on ABC at 7pm CT - but you have to cheer for Kansas. If we win, we win the Big 12 North and then will play for the Big 12 championship the following Saturday. We love our Jayhawks but this still seems so surreal, when you say 11-0 its usually the basketball team, not the football team. :huh:

This Saturday is 36 weeks, 30 days left and I'm officially in my 9th month. Where has the time gone? I'm ready for her now, she can come anytime and I'd be thrilled. Full term isn't technically until 12/1 but sleeping is becoming very difficult and I can't imagine another month of this. But I keep telling myself that as long as she's healthy she can stay in there as long as she'd like. One of the other nsurg wives had he third Monday and got to go home today. DH went and saw them yesterday and got to hold her. I would have loved to have seen that. Its just really hard to beleive that in at least 40 days we'll be holding our own little bundle of joy.