The next three weeks are going to draaaaaaaaaaag if this little one doesn't decide to come out. I've cleaned out my office, I've given away almost all of my duties b/c my boss wants to make sure people can do them while I'm here and ask me questions. So I sit here at my desk and surf the web and do the few minor things that I have left to do. On one hand its great to not have much to do but on the other, I'm bored and I hate being bored.

We have an appointment this afternoon so we'll see what she says. I'll be 37 weeks on Sunday so today is my GBS test and first internal check, I think. I have a feeling its still going to be a while because while I've had a lot of what I think were braxton hicks yesterday I still don't think I've had any "real" contractions. But we'll see. A friend of mine hadn't had any contractions as of last Saturday and was "stalled" at 1cm when all of a sudden she had the baby on Monday, of course this was her 3rd so I don't see that happening for me.

I don't feel like I've got that nesting instinct yet, of course everything that can be done is pretty much done. I still need to change the sheets on the guest bed in case anyone decides to come visit and prep the guest bath but other then that the house is clean, the nursery is ready - oh and I still need to pack my bag and hers.

We have tons of plans next week, starting Thursday so I'm sure she'll decide to disrupt all of that. Thursday we are having dinner with some friends who are almost done with training. They've bought a new house in their new city which is about 70 minutes from us, its beautiful, and the husband recently bought a new BMW. Of course they're not your typical resident family, he has his resident income plus about a matching salary from web design work he does as an independent contractor. She doesn't work and they are anxious to get back up to the cities near both of their families. Friday night is another residency interview dinner, this time at the PD's house rather then the chairman's. A candidate is coming from DH's med school that did an away rotation here and everyone seems pretty high on her plus she's bringing her husband so it will be good to have a chance to chat with them. Saturday night is the department Christmas party, in the past its always been staff, residents, and OR teams (PA's, scrub techs, etc.) but not the floor nurses or anyone beyond that b/c it would be way to big. Its always been at the Country Club and very nice. Well this year they've decided to include everyone in the nsurg department so we're moving it to some big convention center and charging. It was like $10/person for a crappy buffet, one keg and a cash bar, so almost none of the residents RSVP'd. So the staff is paying for all of the residents and their spouses so that we would come. So I guess we're going. We'll see how it goes. Sunday night we have our monthly gourmet club which DH will have to do the cooking for since I have to work 12-5, I also have to work 12-8 Saturday and 10-7 Friday. Reason #1 I'd like Baby M to come BEFORE 12/6. Then Monday night 12/10 we have been invited to a dinner party/reception for one of the department PA's who got married elsewhere a few months ago. So its going to be a crazy few days 12/6-10 if Baby M doesn't come early for me to get out of all of it.

DH has started studying for his boards, they are March 29th and he's expected to do very well so it should be interesting. We paid for them this month - ack! I'm sure he will do fine and right now he's taking a laid back approach but I'm sure come January he'll buckle down. He's also trying to decide where he's going to study. He doesn't want to study at home or at the hospital so he's been scouting out coffee shops. So far it hasn't been painful, I'm sure by March 1st I'll have a different opinion. :badday:

Christmas gifts are coming along. My family decided to do an exchange this year and we got my sisters, they're done I just need to get them wrapped, packaged, and shipped. My sisters and I decided to buy my parents a computer for Christmas/Birthdays - so they got that last weekend and love it. MIL is done, she loves Brighton so we got her a photo charm bracelet which she can put pics of the baby in. Of course BIL, FIL and DH's grandparents aren't done and we have NO ideas. I'm leaving it up to DH, sort of. And then of course DH isn't done. I have one small thing for him but am looking for something that would mean a lot to him, he's SO hard to buy for.

Other then the pregnancy and DH's studying there isn't a lot going on in our life. They're saying we could get our first "travel wrecking" snow this weekend so we'll see if that materializes. DH has one more call night this quarter, next Tuesday, so hopefully that is the one night I don't go into labor. :huh: