What a great weekend, minus the ice but its MN so what are you going to do? :huh:

Saturday morning I got up and volunteered at the Winter Carnival the spouse group here puts on every year. Its a lot of fun, just little games for kids like bean bag toss and bowling, pictures with Santa. Its fun to see all the kids so excited about these little plastic prizes. Of course there were two bouncy houses and I think they would have been just as happy if you'd just filled the gym with those. DH came and sat with me, ran into some residents he hasn't seen in a while and I got to meet a few people that he works with. Saturday afternoon I went to a shower for a friend that had her baby two weeks ago today. Her mom is in town so she came too and it was good to see the baby and catch up with her and meet some of her friends who I think will probably become my friends as I transition into the SAHM group. They're all very nice and all had last minute pregnancy/labor tips for me. The baby was so little but still 7+ pounds. I think my concept of size is just skewed.

DH and I enjoyed the evening home Saturday and watched Mizzou lose to OU. I would have liked to see Mizzou win as much as that pains me but they really played like crap so I can't say I'm surprised they lost. Sunday morning I got up and ran to the store in case the weather got bad again and I baked all day. I thought maybe over doing it would help this little one decide to come out but I didn't have a single contraction of braxton hicks during or afterward. But my cookies are done and I'm shipping them today, hopefully they ship well - I guess we'll see. Baking while watching KU basketball, what a great way to spend a Sunday. The DH made a fabulous dinner and we worked through our Baptism prep book since we have that "class" tonight with a couple from church.

Next weekend I have to work so I think DH is going to go get our tree while I work and then we can decorate it Sunday evening. This is going to be a crazy week, I think our only free night home together is Wednesday until next Monday which is also my next appointment.

I hope this week goes fast!