Today is my last day at work and that doesn't really feel real, maybe when I stop drawing a paycheck it will. Contractions started last night about 7pm and continued at least until I went to bed, consistently about every 7 minutes. They weren't painful at all so I went to bed and figured if they got strong enough to wake me up then I'd worry about them. I'm still having them now but I've been to busy with other things to keep track of them. Again they don't hurt they're just strong enough to notice. DH and I decided I would page him if my water broke or they became more painful or closer together. I made sure he had his pager when he left this morning. So maybe she knows that tomorrow is her due date or maybe this will go on for a week. Knowing my luck it will be the latter. Our Christmas shopping is done, I have to pick up a package at the post office today that my sister sent. I beleive she had DH in the exchange. There are a few gifts under the tree for Baby M but we didn't get her anything. I figure even if she is here by Christmas she sure as heck won't remember and the child already has more stuff then she needs. DH finished his shopping on Wednesday and said it the earliest he's been done in a decade, I beleive it - he's always a last minute shopper. We're still deciding what we're going to do for meals for Christmas Eve and Christmas. I hate to buy something expensive, like steaks, and then have us end up in the hospital. I guess we'll see how the weekend goes, we're supposed to get 2-4 more inches of snow tomorrow so DH says that will be when we need to go to the hospital of course. Well I suppose I should get back to work since it is my last day and all.