3 weeks since I've updated here - well the first thing I need is SLEEP! About two days before we left for CA Adele decided being up every 2-3 hours was better then the sleeping 6-8 hours she had been doing. CA actually went pretty well but since we've gotten back it has come and go. Last night the longest block she slept was 2 1/2 hours and that was after I let her cry herself back to sleep b/c I knew she wasn't hungry or wet/dirty. DH had to take her for some time this morning so that I could get some sleep b/c its finally caught up with me. I put in my earplugs, put on my eye cover and zonked for 2+ hours. Her regular routine right now is to be up until midnight, wake 1-2 hours later, very sleepily eat for 30-60 minutes, sleep for 2-4 hours (usually on the shorter end), eat again very sleepily and then only go back to sleep if I sleep with her in the recliner in her room. She won't go back in her crib after her 2nd wakening. She's napping better during the day so hopefully that helps, she's napping about every 2-3 hours for 30-60 minutes. I think we're going to have to resort to trying to soothe her back to sleep and/or letting her cry the first time she wakes up at night if its been less then 4-6 hours, I don't know how else we're going to train her that all this waking up is not okay. She's not sick, otherwise she's a very happy baby. :huh: We're terrible parents, her 1st Easter passed without any fanfare, its like any other day. She didn't even have a real Easter dress. We put her in a dress she had to have some family pictures taken yesterday and they turned out great but she's not really getting an Easter. No Easter basket b/c I know I'd just eat it. Next year she'll get a real Easter, complete with an egg hunt, of course we'll probably have to go to KS to make sure she has grass to do that hunt in. Otherwise, things are great. I've been working with a personal trainer at the gym and she has developed a work out plan for me. This week is my last session with her but I'm comfortable that I'll be able to continue it on my own. Its nice to spend 60-90 minutes at the gym 3 times a week by myself. They have good kids care and Adele seems content there so I'm able to have some me time. DH's big test is this Saturday. He's ready. We both know he's ready but I can already feel the tension building before the big day. One of the residents was supposed to have a big party (i.e. drunk fest) Saturday night but his wife, the host, is currently on bed rest b/c she went into early labor Friday night. Every time she gets up the contractions start again which wouldn't be a problem if her husband wasn't also taking his boards on Saturday. So it sounds like they're going to keep her on bedrest until after the test so that he can take it without worrying about her and/or a new baby. Of course this means someone else has to have the party and it sounds like it might be us. If DH was going to be able to help me prepare I'd be all for it but I'm not sure we're up to this - we'll see. Otherwise just the usual going on here. I'm officially now unemployed. I should get my severance check this Friday and another commission they owe me by the first week in April. Once I get that final check I'll be getting a new computer, an Apple. I'm so excited to be rid of this piece of crap PC. Its served its purpose but has gotten so slow in the last few weeks that I'm ready for something new. I'm enjoying staying home but I'm still craving a little bit more adult interaction. My friends that were already SAHM's seem to have their schedules, their playgroups, and I feel like they forget that I'm home so thats kind of a bummer. I'm not the type to invite myself to things though I think I may have to start doing that when I hear them talking about things. It would be nice to have a first time mom with a little one Adele's age but I haven't met any of those yet and I'm not sure how I would. But right now I'd be happy with enough time unhooked from the child to clean my house or make a meal. Okay, back to March Madness! GO HAWKS!