The BIG test is tomorrow - he'll do fine I know he will but we'll both be glad when its over.

He goes back on OR service on Monday, woopeedoo! Actually his schedule isn't bad though April is packed for some reason, I'd love to knock these cheifs up side the head when they make these schedules sometimes.

Adele has her first cold, we bought a humidifier for her room and she has slept in her bouncer the last two nights so that she wasn't flat on her back. Last night she slept from 9:30-5 and 6-8, yay! Nursing during the day isn't getting any better. She nurses great first thing in the morning but after about 11am she nurses, naps, nurses, naps - its a never ending cycle and while everyone has said it would get better she's now 3 months and it hasn't so I've ordered a Pump In Style Advanced pump and I'm going to try giving her expressed milk by bottle to see if we can get her on a better schedule. I still plan to feed on demand but she never falls asleep when eating from a bottle so hopefully she'll have better naps and more spaced out feeding times so that we can try to have some schedule. I have to at least try b/c otherwise my sanity is telling me to put her on formula, so we'll see. I'm proud of myself for getting her to three months after what I had to do to get my milk in and I don't want to stop giving her breastmilk but I also can't do this for nine months. We'll see.

Well she's up - gotta go! Have a great weekend everyone.