Fellowship...the dreaded, more training word. I know its inevitable and I've come to terms with it long ago. However as it gets closer, yes its still 3 years away, DH talks about it more. In the next year he'll start seriously looking at options and will probably have his fellowship lined up sometime during his sixth year. I've said that I can live anywhere for a year, right? So...yesterday he has a discussion with one of the staff who proceeds to tell him the three best for his interest are... 1. MD Anderson in Houston, TX. Pros: My sister lives there, I tried to get him to interview there for residency and he wouldn't. Cons: Texas heat! 2. UCSF in San Francisco. Do I really want to go back to CA, even for just a year? No. This is the ONE program he didn't rank but I guess that was mainly b/c of the chair and he wouldn't be a fellow under the chair. We would have to take out a loan to live there, we have no debt from his education or residency and I'm not sure I want to start now. 3. Little Rock, AR. I've never been to Arkansas that I remember however it would be close to my parents or at least closer then we are now. This one has been on the radar for a while so it didn't catch me off guard quite as much. So I know its a long ways off and I know there will be other options but this staff is already willing to make phone calls and help DH line one up. Luckily there is no match for what he wants to do or at least it doesn't sound like it. I guess we'll see. :huh: