So I'm going to bitch and moan for a minute and you guys can just ignore me b/c I know so many of you have it SO much worse! DH is to start his research in July. His two years of PROTECTED research time b/c technically his department isn't even paying him. He applied for and was accepted into this clinical investigator program that pays his salary for the next two years and makes extra classes, etc. available to him which will help him set up his own lab someday. So he comes home a few weeks ago and says that he may be on the call schedule some - WTF! :huh: So then last night he tells me that the vacation schedule came out for next quarter and he wasn't on it - he either didn't get the e-mail or spaced when vacation requests were due, probably because its NOT supposed to apply to him. So he e-mailed the chief making up the schedule and got the week of 4th of July off, since we already spent over $1000 on plane tickets! But didn't ask for anything else off for the quarter, he doesn't think he needs to. "They're only using me on weeknights to make sure ORs are covered" "It won't be that often" blah blah blah. I'm not happy. I guess a few years ago someone threw a fit about their protected research time and refused to be on the call schedule and he never really recovered in the department. So I get it, I really do but if any of the chiefs take advantage of him in scheduling him more then once in a blue moon I'm going to be PISSED and if it affects any holidays I'm going through the roof!