My baby will be 5 months on Tuesday, where in the world have 5 months gone? :huh: She's changing and growing every day and I'm loving being home with her but some days (like yesterday) I wish I was working. What is up with that? I know there are always bad days and its not going to be a bowl of cherries everyday but yesterday was especially bad, she wouldn't nap, she wasn't happy when she woke up from the naps she did take - just frustrating all around. But today is a new day, she slept well last night and we're starting over.

DH has been sick since the weekend. It started with a sore throat, scratchy throat and then he felt better, now he can't talk and hasn't been able to since Tuesday. Then Wednesday night he started hacking, he's tried everything (except for going to a real doctor ) but he seems to be getting better.

I've decided to stop pumping. I'm going to start weaning the day after Father's Day so that I'm fully stopped by the time we leave for Texas on June 30th. She will have received six months of almost exclusively breast milk and with the problems we started with I'm very happy with that. Now that we're in the summer and we're out more its harder to be around to pump when I need to so for my sanity I've just decided its time. I thought DH would fight me on it but he was very supportive, maybe he wasn't really listening since he's sick. I hope with my next one I'm just able to breastfeed regularly but we'll see. A friend and I were talking Wednesday about how hard it really is and how little you really know with your 1st one. When we get back from Texas I'll be starting her on cereal and baby food anyway so she's moving on to the next stage. She's growing up so fast!